
Living Dead Girl

Living dead girl je grafická webstránka, ktorá odštartovala svoju činnosť 23. júla 2008 na voľnom hostingu poskytovanom firmou Internet Centrum. O pár rokov neskôr, konkrétne 14. februára 2011, sa stránka presťahovala na platenú doménu Delirious Soul, ktorú jej spolu s hostingom sprostredkuje Websupport.sk.

Názov webu bol inšpirovaný pesničkou od Roba Zombieho – Living Dead Girl.

The website Living Dead Girl was launched on the 23rd of July 2008. Since 2011 it’s part of the domain "Delirious soul" hosted by Websupport.sk.

Its name was inspired by Rob Zombie´s song "Living dead girl".

  • In the Fanart section, you can find wallpapers and avatars for my favorite books, book adaptations, TV shows and movies. I create my fanart using official promotional photos, movie/ TV show stills, photos of actors/actresses and screen captures from movies/TV shows.
  • The Portfolio section includes made-to-order digital art or pictures that were later used as official promotional material.
  • The Illustrations section consists of stylistically and thematically varied illustrations. Some are original, others were inspired by different stories. I create them using photos/pictures/brushes from photo banks which I combine with own photos or drawings.
  • The Goodies section includes brushes and gradients for Adobe Photoshop CS3 and textures for you to download. There are also tutorials on creating wallpapers.



Na webe už dlhé roky vystupujem pod originálnou prezývkou inšpirovanou mojím vlastným menom – Michelle. S tvorbou grafiky som začala ako štrnásťročná, keď som objavila čaro Skicáru vo Windowse. Vytváranie fanartov ma naplno pohltila až popri štúdiu počítačovej grafiky na strednej škole, kedy som sa naučila používať Photoshop a základy kódovania webových stránok. Vtedy som konečne prešla z blogovania na Blog.cz k vlastnej webovej stránke.

V posledných rokoch (hlavne odkedy som zamestnaná osoba) sa už nevenujem tejto stránke príliš aktívne. Grafika zostáva jedným z mojich obľúbených koníčkov, avšak skôr než tvorbe fanartov sa venujem tvorbe ilustrácií či grafike „na objednávku“.

V súčasnosti trávim viac času tvorbou príspevkov na môj knižno-osobný blog, Radioactive alebo predovšetkým písaním vlastného príbehu.

My name is Michelle and I have been making digital art since I was fourteen years old. Creating fanart became my hobby while I was studying computer graphics in high school. I learned how to use Adobe Photoshop and how to code websites. After that I moved on from having different blogs on Blog.cz to having my own website.

Lately, I have not been very active on this webpage (especially since I've started working). However, creating digital art is still one of my favorite hobbies, I have just been making more of my own illustrations or made-to-order art than book/movie/TV show fanart.

Nowadays, I spend a lot of my time writing articles on my personal/book blog, Radioactive, but mostly I am writing my own stories.



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